Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Final Positioning Paper

Burger Planet Positioning Paper: Final

As the PR team assigned to Burger Planet’s image building, we have decided to focus on several strengths of your company. The specific topics we wish to focus on are: the advances in menu options targeted towards healthy eating, not forgetting the basics that Burger Planet has built their legacy on, and the introduction of our new staff health expert, Jayne Peterson.

Over the last 47 years obesity has been on a steady rise. Over half of American adults are overweight, and nearly a quarter actually qualify as obese, according to the National Institutes of Health. People are looking for anyone to blame for this epidemics but themselves. $100 billion is spent on the top six fast food chains each year according to Todd G. Buchholz in his article, “Burgers, Fries and Lawyers.” He says that with the money spent on books such as Fat Land and Fast Food Nation it has become fashionable to denounce restaurants with sins stating that, “They make people fat.” As a result the first lawsuit against McDonald’s blaming them for the individual’s obesity was filed. Judge Robert W. Sweet suggested that the McDonald’s suit could “spawn thousands of similar ‘McLawsuits’ against restaurants.” According to our company’s research, our target audience, women 30 to 40-years-old with families, are those who are most concerned with the rise in obesity. We feel that it is of extreme importance that individuals are educated in a way that will keep them from going down a dangerous path of obesity.

Burger Plant is known for our time-honored tradition of providing the best quality to customers. Burger Planet’s goal is to keep up with advances in the needs of families. Health problems continue to rise as families find less and less time to plan healthful meals. Burger Planet’s promise is to continue providing a product of optimal quality while watching out for the health of our consumer patrons. Burger Planet now offers several menu options that can easily replace meal options for less calories and fat without skimping on taste. We assume our priority of providing healthy options for every American citizen. Burge Planet’s plentiful menu options offer individuals the opportunity to choose an item that best fits their lifestyle; or gives them the opportunity to choose a healthy alternative to their favorite menu items. We offer low-carb menu alternatives, an array of salad meal options, and side replacements for French fries or onion rings.

Burger Planet wants families to be healthy; we also want patron customers to eat the foods they have been enjoying for decades. With Burger Planet’s introduction of new menu options, individuals are able to get exactly what they want: If dad wants a cheeseburger, mom wants a healthy salad, and the kids want fruit sides instead of fries, they are all able to get exactly what they want at the same place. As the PR team, we want to focus on this aspect heavily. In several cases, families take trips to several locations to give each individual family member what they truly want. Burger Planet’s introduction of their new menu items makes this establishment a one-stop meal location sure to please everyone.

Healthy food alternatives are just the beginning of educating individuals on living a healthy lifestyle. Company officials brought on a well-known health advocate, Jayne Peterson, to help shed light on the obesity epidemic our nation faces, and healthy lifestyle options. CEO James E. Muellenback III said, “Burger Planet cares about its customers. By hiring Petersen as a spokesperson, women will see her as an advocate for their fight to maintain a healthy lifestyle.” Muellenback stated, “Jayne Petersen and Burger Planet share a commitment toward health. The women Jayne Petersen has helped lose weight eat at Burger Planet. Burger Planet and Jayne Petersen are launching a comprehensive program to assist those women in eating healthy.” Many women look up to Petersen. She is an icon for the fit, happy lifestyle that her fans crave. By adding Petersen to our staff women will see how serious Burger Planet takes our consumers health and feel guilt free when bringing their family to our restaurant.

In order to raise awareness of Burger Planets focus on health we will promote a campaign with ads while Jayne Peterson with Corny the Clown, Burger Planet’s beloved mascot, will visit venues across the country introducing helpful health tips and hosting community events.

When awareness is raised, people will come to Burger Planet without feeling guilty about the food they eat. This will benefit our customers and our overall sales and our reputation in the community. We do not wish to target one group of individuals exclusively, but rather as an appealing choice to individuals across the spectrum. All age groups and individuals are targeted in this introduction of new menus items without excluding the all-time favorites.

Burger Planet pledges its support to aid families and individuals in making healthful lifestyle changes. We make the transition easy with help from our on-board health expert, Jayne Peterson, as well as making easy alternative menu options to promote that lifestyle.


Mallory Hughes Allen




http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=11611294&site=ehost-live“>Are Fast-Food Establishments Making Americans Fat?


Prospectus Letter Draft

Letter: Rough Draft

Century Martial Arts
1000 Century Blvd.
OKC, OK 73110
ATTN: Bob Neddle

Dear Bob,

Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu seeks corporate sponsorship in the form of recognition in a way that is fitting to the business’ chosen parameters. Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu represents a steadily- growing, dynamic group of individuals who have made a strong presence in the community. The location of Fenn’s Kung Fu facility is the Whittier Community Center in Logan, Utah. This location gives individuals the availability of community involvement and outreach while bettering oneself through kung fu training. The corporate sponsorship we seek is in the amount $400,000. This amount will help to reach an audience that is unattainable as the business is in its’ early stages in Cache Valley. Corporate sponsorship will ensure that company recognition fits the company’s particular needs and wants.

We have chosen you, Century Martial Arts, because you represent a company that mirrors our own. Your products represent quality, durability, and optimum performance. You create products that help individuals become strong, healthy, determined. We feel that your sponsorship well help our business gain recognition around the area, and will at the same time provide a new market to cultivate an interest in your products.

Several sponsorship examples may be, but are not limited to: Banners, Logos on; mats, water bottles, car stickers, flyers, and poster, and recognition in radio and television advertising. If you wish to sponsor our kung fu facility, we would make your product a brand used in our pro-shop area where individuals would be able to purchase the product as well.

We are very fortunate to live in a region that has not been critically harmed by the current economic crisis. But unfortunately, many families have cut back in activity expenditures to ensure their families stay afloat. We do not want these hard economic times to keep people from gaining perspective in the art of kung fu and all of the options it offers. Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu pledges their support to the betterment of oneself through community activism and hard work. Individuals gain experience through activity that helps them gain self-esteem, strength, self-defense, and peace.

With the help of Century Martial arts, we are confident that the support behind your company brand will bring identification to this beneficial art. As more and more students join Fenn’s, recognition of your brand and quality product will help your product base grow immensely.

We recognize that our biggest problem we face is reaching new audiences. Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu is a new up and coming business and it is unfortunate that we do not have funds to put towards our big ideas to advertise to the level we would hope to. We have recently hired an individual with strong background in business management in corporate settings. He has the tools to allocate the funds we request in the best way to ensure that every member of the party is pleased with the outcome of the work.

We propose $100,000 toward new mats, punching and kicking pads, protective head and hand gear. $50,000 towards dummy equipment to ensure safety of the students. $200,000 towards a dynamic, aggressive advertising approach (we want every person within 200 miles to know about Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu tagged by Century Martial Arts). And then $50,000 to build up a reputable pro-shop for purchase of Century Martial Arts merchandise.

We encourage your support of our proposition. Helping Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu will help Century Martial Arts. We would be happy to talk with you at your soonest convenience to talk more about the sponsorship we have proposed if you have any unanswered questions.

We thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Tyrell Fenn
Director and Martial Arts Coordinator

Draft Presentation Outline

Presentation Outline

1. Intro of client – Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu

a. History of Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu

b. Information about hours, fees, introduce what type of Kung Fu it is.

2. Advantages of taking Kung Fu courses.

a. Studies done promoting Kung Fu.

b. Why Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu is unique.

c. Show Kung Fu slides.

3. What Fenn’s Northern Utah Kung Fu can do for you as a sponsor.

a. Hand out brochure

b. Outline budget and need for sponsorship

c. Explain the expectation of the sponsor.

d. Explain how sponsoring us will benefit their company.

e. Talk about the strengths of their company and how we can increase those and what we will do with the sponsorship donations.

Monday, November 23, 2009

2300 Blog 12

Jim Horton gave a shout out to GM on November 17 for what he called, “Smart PR.” Horton writes a blog called, “Online Public Relations Thought.” http://online-pr.blogspot.com/ General Motors announced that they were going to pay part of the Government loan they received back to the government. Horton says the announcement is, “…positive news for a company that hasn’t had any for a long time,” and, “The news offsets the company’s loss during the last quarter.” It is fantastic pr. More than that I think it is the right thing to do. If GM didn’t need all of the bailout money they should return it for better use instead of letting their CEOs pocket the money. Another possible move could be to give it to the workers. This is probably not as good of a move as giving it back but it would help the company and economy in many ways. The workers would have more money to spend and stimulate the local economy which is in such need especially around the great lakes. Also, employees would feel more appreciated and become better workers and spokespeople for the company.

Another important point Horton made was, “Paying back the government telegraphs that the company isn’t as badly off as people think.” That is an important message today. It is important for consumers, government, regulatory agencies and employees. It is also extremely valuable to the stock market. I agree with Horton in saying the GM’s move was smart pr but I also say it was the right thing to do.

-Melanie Fenn

2300 Blog 11

I found a site where contributors post short blogs about current events and their relationship to public relations called http://online-pr.blogspot.com/ The November 19, 2009 post was interesting to me. It was by Jim Horton and read:

Leak Strategy

President Obama says he is angry with the leaks detailing discussions of troops for Afghanistan. But is he, really? Frequently in Washington, proposals are leaked to determine how they play with Congress and the public. The issue of troop levels appears to be one such case. Obama might be angry but he sure is watching the reaction of his party and the country to various troop levels that have been considered for the conflict. This is an odd way to do PR that seems to work only in the political realm. If Obama really is angry, then he knows where to go to stop the leaking -- to his own staff.

There are a lot of stories printed where the source is labeled a government leak. Many of them result in crisis pr for the body that was leaked about. I have wondered if information was leaked on purpose before. A leak is more interesting than a press release. It seems more important and secretive. I agree with Horton in saying that it only works for the political realm. For an organization to leak information it would have to be of large interest and probably not positive. If it was positive and of interest then a simple press release and advertising would accomplish goals. When information is leaked it cannot be controlled and most organizations would want control over how it is presented. President Obama does seem to be president who wants to know what the Nation’s at large opinion is. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaking information to find citizen opinion. It is a sneaky way to leak information to the masses while appealing to those who say all military matters should be kept hidden. The truth seeker part of my public relations slightly cringes. There has to be ways to accomplish goals without being sneaky and cunning.

-Melanie Fenn

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2300 Blog 10


I came across this interesting blog on the IT Business Edge website talking about the rise in spear phishing attacks on public relations organizations. Phishing is when important looking e-mails are sent or links to important looking pages pop up where names and passwords are entered and then personal information is stolen. Lora Bentley in her blog post on Nov. 18, states that public relations organizations are a prime target because of their wealth of sensitive information on clients. Those that do business overseas are especially at risk.

It makes sense that public relations would be targeted. I wonder if these agencies have created crisis management for these situations within their own company. I know they have done crisis management for so many other companies but I wonder if they fall short with their own company, hopefully not. Having client information stolen would be devastating for a company. Clients would lose trust in their pr and the agency would lose business and probably go under. This is a reminder for all organizations to secure their files and have plans for when disaster strikes so it is not as devastating as possible. And all employees who work with computers and personal information should be educated on spotting phishing scams and other frauds.

-Melanie Fenn

2300 Blog 9


Newly Designed Swarovski Crystal Star Unveiled for the 2009 Rockefeller Center(R) Christmas Tree – PRNewswire Nov.18

While searching through PRNewswire I found a press release about the star that will soon top the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center this holiday season. I have been listening to Christmas music since the day after Halloween. I love the holiday season and I have never minded that stores put out their holiday merchandise in October. That is why I chose to do an evaluation on this article; I will take any reason to discuss Christmas before Thanksgiving.

I thought this press release was extremely well written. It was produced by an employee of the Swarovski Company, the makers of the star. It was set in perfect pyramid fashion and despite the length I read it all. The heading read, “Newly Designed Swarovski Crystal Star Unveiled for the 2009 Rockefeller Center(R) Christmas Tree.” Although the sentence is a little long it includes every piece of important information. The Rockefeller Christmas tree is the most famous tree in the world. Swarovski is one of the most famous crystal makers in the world. To say that he made the star for the famous tree and that it is of a new design is eye catching to media outlets. The article then continues to name every dimension of the star and tree, what makes the star so special, when and where the unveiling will be and more. A reporter wouldn’t even need to contact the company for quote because three are included, unless they wanted something more specific. I personally loved hearing about how the formation of the crystal is so precise to create the perfect glitter and shine. Thinking about the star on top of that beautiful tree has caused me to start a cop of hot chocolate while writing. There was only one problem I had with the press release; it is two and a half pages long. The second page was almost completely filled with the boiler plate. It was an, “In case you don’t know here is everything about our company because we are the real focus of this release.” For me the Christmas spirit dimmed just a little while having to read over a page of boiler plate.

-Melanie Fenn

Monday, November 16, 2009

2300 Blog 8


An article appeared on msnbc.com by the AP on Idol winner Kris Allen. The article brought Allen back into the spotlight while highlighting how he doesn’t go searching for the spotlight. The subheading reads, “Singer does his own thing despite being overshadowed by Lambert (referring to second place winner Adam Lambert).” It seems a bit contradicting to write a story about someone because they haven’t had a story written about them in a while. It is excellent public relations. The underlying promotion of this story is Allen’s upcoming CD release and the façade is a story about a down-to-earth musician who isn’t parading his life to the public. The lead is about how Allen is not Lambert and how that is a good thing. It is not until paragraph four that the CD is even mentioned and then in comparison to the release of Lambert’s CD.

It is a smart public relations tactic to get the story you want printed by hiding it in a story that readers want. Entertainment readers want more information on Lambert, if they get it in an article that contrasts him to Allen then they will read it. Another appeal is to remind readers how well they relate to Allen through stories about him buying his wife a guitar and what his plans are for the holiday season. One quote from Allen reads, “I’m just going to do my thing, what I like to do, and hopefully it works out.” This article is a great example of good public relations.

-Melanie Fenn