Thursday, October 1, 2009

2300 Blog 5

Why Your Brand Needs a Voice on Twitter

When I first heard about Twitter I thought there was no way I would ever join. Why would I want people to know what I am doing every moment of the day? Who has the time to tell everyone what they are doing every moment of the day? Some people live very interesting lives. When Ellen DeGeneres uses Twitter everyone wants to know what she said. That is because she is Ellen DeGeneres and is also probably giving away free stuff. I don’t have a talk show and am too poor to give away free stuff. I don’t want to join Twitter. That is why I felt somewhat sad when this article from convinced me that I should probably do it anyway.

As a public relations student I know the importance of social media and having your organization be a part of it. It is important to be connected to share information and watch what is being said about the organization. That is great for an organization but not my personal life. Yet, when I think of myself I am an organization of sorts. When I graduate this May and am looking for a job I have to market myself. I can’t knock on the door of every potential employer and get to know them. They need to hop on a computer and get to know me in a manner of minutes. The more positive information I can set up about myself the better I look. Like an organization should I can also monitor what is being said about me and will be able to catch misunderstandings and fix them. Most importantly I need to build up my networking. Yes, there are the annoying people that report what they ate two minutes earlier but there are also smart potential employers who have intelligent conversations.

I know that Twitter is free and easy to use. I have a Facebook and a myspace and even a linkedin. But they look as sparse as my family blog. The only use it gets is when I place pictures to appease my in-laws. I guess it is time to step it up and focus on my future. It is time to join the masses that Victoria Harres Akers talks about in her article, “People turn to the World Wide Web to share thoughts, obtain feedback on ideas, find information and even complain about companies and products with which they are dissatisfied. Here they have found a powerful voice.”

-Melanie Fenn

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